Things I learned when in Edinburgh last weekend:
* I am very good at Rock Band drums
* David still makes very good food.
* Chelsea lose every time I come to Edinburgh
* I do not fart in the bed. Therefore, Grundy does.
* I do kick though.
* Stephen Fry can sing. Sort of.
* Bells Macaroni Pies are the greatest processed food of all time.
* Nicky Wire released an album 4 years ago.
* I can find a pointless answer!
* I can very very excited upon finding a pointless answer.
* I am far too jolly at 8 in the morning.
* Lothian Buses are still the best buses in Britain
* National Express are not.
* It is nearly impossible to mime "Shania Twain", "Narnia" and "Rammstein" in charades.
* Rent in Edinburgh is incredibly cheap for the houses you get compared to Oxford.
* I am faster tha koopa the quick
* I am otherwise tosh at Mario 64.
* I can buy Colin Firth DVDs without vomiting all over the place.
* I can not buy Colin Firth DVDS without HMV staff laughing at me.
* It was worth it.
* Andrew Blair is still one of the funniest, wittiest and quickest people I know.
* "A slightly larger tortoise"
* Teviot has a loft bar. Seven years I've been going and I never knew.
* Never talk to Al about music.
* I can just about tell which US State someone is from, even if their accent is now an Anglo-American hybrid.
...and most importantly.
* I still love Edinburgh, it's people, the place, the atmosphere, and my friends and I cannot wait to go back. It's already been too long.
I will be back blogging far more regularly. I promise.
Top 10 Eighties Stories
2 years ago